Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mobile First Design

Mobile First Design is an approach outlined by Luke Wroblewski. Simply put mobile first is an approach to responsive design: design for smaller screens first, then add more features and content for bigger and bigger screens. This design approach is also known as "progressive enhancement." So you start by making your mobile design first and then your tablet design and then finally the desktop design. The assignment was to create a mobile first design with Smitty's Lawn and Garden Equipment.

Step 1: Sketch the mobile design

Design #1:

Design #2:

Step 2: Sketch the tablet design

Step 3: Sketch the desktop design

Then it's time to get onto the computer and get to work. BUT STARTING WITH MOBILE FIRST!!!

Step 4: Mobile Design


Step 5: Tablet Design

Step 6: Desktop Design 

And that is pretty much the end of Mobile First Design designing, besides actually publishing and uploading the site. 

Last Thoughts and Comments:

Now if you are looking at my sketches and comparing them to my actual design, you can tell they are VERY different. Why, you ask? Well when sketching these out I didn't realize the complexity of creating the site from mobile to desktop.
If I were to go back now and recreate this website, I would be able to do much better. I understand the concepts and know more. I know that I need to use display:none; instead of visibility:hidden;
for hiding divs. I really enjoyed this project however. I prefer to just make a website responsive. 

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